Termas Papallacta
Congratulations to Papallacta Spa! Winner, for 2 years in a row, of the Best Resort in all of South America! We are SO proud of our wonderful vendor for having such a beautiful place to visit! I have been going to Termas Papallacta Spa for many years with my family. Established in 1994, Termas Papallacta Spa is set on 625 beautiful acres in the middle of the Cayambe and Antisana volcanoes, at the beginning of the Amazon Rainforest. Their pools are fed by several thermal baths, heated by the heat of the volcanoes. There are also walking nature trails that can go on for hours if you so choose. Here you can see over 100 species of humming birds in a beautiful setting of flora & fauna. Along the way, you are treated with views of the organic garden & many varieties of plant life. My favorite part of Termas Papallacta is the Salus Per Aquam Spa . Part of the Spa holds an amazing set of 5 hydrotherapy pools that range from 86 degrees Fahrenheit to ...