So much fun in Cotacachi!
Cotacachi is one of my favorite places to visit. There is so much to see and so much of what I love is right in the heart of this beautiful little town, rich in heritage, culture and amazing finds of all kinds. Cotacachi's Hollywood Sign by Daniel Bozza As you enter the town limits, you are treated to this Hollywood like sign up on the hill. This is the town where leather goods are made. Many bargains are made here at this artistic town. This is Catredral La Matriz de Nuestra Señora de La Concepcion or Immaculate Conception Church, is in the center of town where many activities are held. One of the most attended festivals is that of the celebration of Inti Raymi (Fiesta of the Sun) According to retired resident and historian, David Sasaki ; It is a tradition that dates back to pre-Hispanic times in the Andes. The commemoration is related to the end of an agricultural cycle, for which nature is thanked with products for the 10 months of planting. The S...